I have fallen in love!
He's incredible.
He's thoughtful, honest, pure, holy, joyful, creative, and playful.
He only speaks words of life.
He never tears me down, hurts me, or plays cruel games with me.
He doesn't constantly take from me, but is consistently
desiring to give me
good good
Gifts of His time, His patience, His love, His mercy, His beauty.
He's given everything for me.
Even when He calls me out
and challenges me to love more and care more for those around me,
He is still there reminding me that
I'm good enough and
I do not need to earn His love.
He never puts me down. He never leaves me lonely.
He is constantly with me, encouraging me.
He is inviting me to partner with Him. He doesn't demand, but continues to invite.
He loves me with a love that never disappoints
and longs for me to pour that love out on others.
He especially asks me to pour out His love on the
poor and needy...
to embrace them as He desires to embrace them.
To hold the little ones that have no mother or father to hold them.
He is inviting me to love.
To fall in love with him more and more.
And, to love those around me.
He is inviting me to love.
I've fallen in love!
His name is
He takes my breathe away...