Sunday, November 17, 2013

All Things Germany!

As many of you know, I recently took a two week outreach to Germany! My friend, Maria, and I ministered to the Revive DTS at YWAM Herrnhut. Maria spoke for two weeks on the topics of Holy Spirit, Intercession, and Spiritual Warfare.

On a cool, fall Germany day, surrounded by a couple hundred students and staff worshiping God, I suddenly understood why I have looked forward to my 30th birthday for so many years. God had planned an epic birthday gift for me, in the form of an outreach to my first European country! I spent my first night as a 30-year old in a castle that is older than the United States of America. I found myself so grateful for this life I get to live with Jesus, and for His endless blessings!

That's right, Maria! You tell us about Holy Spirit!

During these two weeks, while Maria taught and met with students & staff, I was able to do much of the same. During her teachings, I prayed! Prayed that God would have His way in these students' hearts, minds, and lives. Prayed for Maria's family, as her son had been sick for most of our time away. Prayed for Maria's strength to continue. I prayed. I also met with staff & students to encourage, pray for them, and speak truth of God's heart for them. It was a blast!

Revive DTS students & staff praying for Maria and I on the last day

Before heading on this trip, I knew God was stirring up in me His passion for intercession and worship. Let me just say that He followed through. I was stirred. In just the two short weeks that we were there, Maria and I both formed wonderful friendships with many of the staff, and saw incredible breakthrough for the students. One young man gave his life to the Lord. I witnessed one young lady received a deeper revelation of God's acceptance of her and radical love for her.

I again was reminded of the intensity of growth in the Lord that occurs when we put ourselves under the discipleship of others, expecting God to move, and worshiping Him with our lives. It is beautiful!

There are many more stories I could tell - and I likely will do so in upcoming blogs - but for now, suffice it to say, I was blessed. I poured out and got filled all at the same time. Holy Spirit refreshed me in Herrnhut, Germany, reminding me of who I am, the spiritual gifts I carry, and that I am enough. worship...Jesus. Nuf' said. 

We even had the opportunity to travel to Dresden for the day, seeing the sights, enjoying incredible architecture, and of course - one of my many talents - eating the delicious food!

Just chillin' with Martin Luther...well, the statue at least

Beautiful church building, beautiful architecture


Thank you to those of you who provided for this trip financially, as well as those who invested in prayer. I am incredibly grateful for you!

Here are a few more pictures for you to enjoy!

Bedroom window! Beautiful view everyday!
YWAM Herrnhut Wasserschloss (water castle), where I
spent my first night as a 30-year old!

Graveyard in Herrnhut, where Count Zinzendorf is buried

Visited our wonderful friend, Ian,
who is leading the current Revive DTS, among many other responsibilities.

Minor motion sickness en route to Dresden...completely worth it!

Great Story! As Maria and I were waiting to board our first flight, out of Honolulu, I went to the airport Starbucks to buy some breakfast for us. Standing in line, the mugs caught my eye, and I clearly felt the Lord leading me to buy a Hawaii Starbucks mug. I knew it would be a gift for someone, but wasn't sure who.
Meet,  Erick Jansen. He and his beautiful wife, Sarah are on staff at YWAM Herrnhut. A week after we arrived, Erick celebrated his birthday. As Maria and I prepared to go celebrate with them,  I wished to myself that I had something to give him...the MUG!
The mug was for Erick!!! Of course the Lord would have me purchase a mug in Hawaii for a young man I hadn't even met yet! The best part...Erick was a student in the School of Worship in Kona, Hawaii last year. :) He later told me he had never purchased a Hawaii Starbucks mug while he was he has one! God is FUN!

And, of course, celebrating my 30th birthday en route to Germany!
Thanks Lyndy for the great light-up birthday necklace!
All of the sleeping people on the plane were super excited about it, too!

And, a special thank you to Maria Daughtry, amazing wife, mother, daughter, and friend! Her love for the Lord, and honesty in her relationship with Him is encouraging, beautiful, and causes me to be spurred on in the Lord. Even amidst the focus of encouraging the Revive DTS staff, students, and base leadership, Maria continued to make time to minister to me, through prayer, being an ear to listen, and a mouth to speak wisdom. Maria, I am SO grateful for your friendship, mentorship, and nurturing in my life. I LOVE you!!


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer Fun & Germany Outreach Update!

YWAM Honolulu Base Life

Continued transition has led us into the summer quarter at YWAM Honolulu! Our April DTS Bangladesh team has been on outreach for the past month. The 3-month Chronological Bible Core Course students have graduated, ushering in a fresh and eager group of students who will also be partaking in inductive Bible study through our 9-month Chronological School of Biblical Studies! We also have a wonderful Korean Discipleship Training School running on the base right now. All of these students bring such joy and life to the base. 

After six months of much hard labor from many wonderful YWAM staff and community volunteers, our office building is now newly renovated! It looks fantastic. :) I was able to move into my new office space, and am so grateful for the privacy. I am now able to have a space for quiet and uninterrupted meetings, phone calls, and other Personnel work. 

Provision From The Lord & Personal Life

It is always a blessing when friends and family are able to come visit! This week, my friend Stephanie came to town! She and her mom have been staying at the Aulani Disney Resort on the island and invited me to join them. I stayed a couple of nights with them and had so much fun! 

One of the things God has been speaking to my heart in the past year is that He wants to teach me to love the things I previously have not liked. Heights, different foods...and apparently this week, people dressed up in costumes! Haha. 

I wasn't even scared! Hurray!! I love that God cares about even these seemingly small areas of fear in my life. I don't want to pigeonhole myself, even in areas of likes and dislikes. 

On another note, I have begun to learn a little bit of hula! Trust me, it is a very small start, but it has been so fun to begin learning the basics. It is such a beautiful dance, and I have really felt led by the Lord to begin learning and getting more involved in Hawaiian culture. A friend and I also attended the 36th Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival a week ago. Many halaus (hula schools) came to dance for the festival. It was beautiful! 

Dancing at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center in Waikiki

Life with Kim

In June, we celebrated Kim's birthday!! Such a fun time. :) Many of her friends wrote sweet birthday notes, and I compiled them in a scrapbook of sorts. I've been getting more crafty lately. :) 

I even made Kim a Neopolitan Cheesecake (one of my mom's old recipes). Mmmm....
On a really huge praise note, Kim has recently received great news that the cancer in her bones now shows stability and even improvement! This means that great efforts of prayer and current treatments are working! This is a great encouragement as we continue to press forward in faith for Kim's 100% healing! Please, continue to pray with us that Kim would not experience negative side effects of the treatments and that  any damage from past treatments would be all healed up! :) 

Germany Outreach!

As I mentioned in my last post, I will be heading to Herrnhut, Germany in October to help my friend as she teaches in the DTS at the YWAM base. I will be helping lead worship, praying for students, and interceding as my friend teaches. We will be there for two solid weeks, and would love partners in prayer! If you are interested in receiving email updates during our time in Germany, please let me know!

The YWAM base in Herrnhut has an incredible hospitality policy, and the only thing I really need to pay for is my flight and any additional personal expenses while I am there. Most of my finances have come in, but I am still in need. If you would like to partner with me financially, please click on the "donations" tab on the right of my blog homepage. THANK YOU! :)

~ Megan

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spring in Hawaii!

YWAM Honolulu Base Life

Life is happening on the base! We are currently running a CBCC (Chronological Bible Core Course), which is our 3-month version of our 9-month CSBS (Chronological School of Biblical Studies). Eight students are currently diving into the Word, studying inductively, and learning timeless truths. We also have a group of six DTS (Discipleship Training School) students who are drawing closer to the Lord each day. They are also preparing to head to Bangladesh in just about a month!

As a base, we are desiring to be more and more involved in our local community. At the beginning of the quarter, we took part in a neighborhood stream cleaning. There is a stream that runs alongside our property, and we had the privilege of cleaning a LOT of trash out of there! Tires, old metal car parts, glass, plastics, and much more. We had done this previously in February, as well, and were so surprised to find that there was still a lot of trash to pull out. 

On our way to clean and super excited!

This group was not afraid to get a little dirty!

In late April, we volunteered through the week at Noelani Elemantary. They were preparing for their 50th Anniversary PTA fundraiser. Our staff and students turned out to help make Haku leis, as well as serving in various arenas on the day of the event; everything from selling food and directing drivers in the parking lot, to taking care of kids. We all had a such a blast!

I am still serving as Personnel Director for YWAM Honolulu. This quarter, I have also been blessed to be leading the base staff women's small group. I love pouring into people who are blessing, serving and pouring into others! These women are beautiful. In addition to this, I am also teaching a small group within the DTS for the female staff and students for the next month. Our subject is regarding finding our identity in the Lord; no small feat to teach! I am honored to lead this time, and would love your prayers!

Provision From The Lord & Personal Life

God continues to bless me with His abundant provision! This past week, my cousin Amy came to visit me, which was a blessing in and of itself. My car was having some issues, and the problem was diagnosed as the starter. Not what I was hoping to hear. I knew I had some work on my car I was needing to get done soon, but the starter was not on the list! Amy graciously paid for the full bill, including all of the supplies for everything else that needed fixing! I have wonderful friends on the base who are willing to put in the labor, and really only needed the parts. Such a blessing!

I also just got my notice from Quest medical insurance (Hawaii state insurance) that my benefits will continue this year! I had to send renewal papers & bank statements a couple of months ago, and had not heard back until now. I am so grateful for wonderful medical!

ALSO...I am heading to Germany for a short-term outreach! A friend of mine has been invited to speak in the DTS at the Herrnhut, Germany base for two weeks in October. When I heard about this, something (Holy Spirit) started stirring inside me. I really wanted to go with her! When she accepted the invitation a couple of days later and told me to begin praying the finances in for me to go, I realized I should probably ask God if this was in His plan for me. I honestly really expected Him to say no. But...He said YES! I had no idea how the finances would come in, but knew if He was calling me to do this, He would provide. Before the outreach was official, I already had half of the airfare in! God is so faithful. So, in October, I will be heading to Germany as an administrative assistant to my friend, worship leader, intercessor, and prayer ministry helper. I am so grateful to be blessed to serve my friend and the DTS students, in Herrnhut, Germany in the ways I most love; through prayer and worship! I am humbled, honored, and so unbelievably grateful for this life with my Jesus! I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I prepare spiritually and financially for this outreach. 

Life with Kim

As I shared in my lost post, I moved off base to live with a good friend of mine, and YWAM Honolulu's,  who is currently fighting cancer. Kim was in need of physical help at home, and I strongly felt the Lord's leading back in December to move in with her in March. 

I have now been living with Kim for nearly 3 months. Practically, I have been taking care of grocery shopping, light cleaning, laundry, cooking, and driving Kim to appointments, as well as helping to be a communication point for Kim's family in regards to her physical progress. Personally, Kim and I have grown a great friendship. She has incredible wisdom, grace, and humility. I am challenged by her faith and heart to bless others in the midst of her current trials. She has an incredible love for and trust in the Lord. We pray nearly every night together, believing God for physical healing, as well as movement in our lives in every aspect. We have seen miracles happen through prayer, and have been mutually blessed. 

I have no plans, at this point, to leave. Kim is still in need, and God continues to give me grace and the desire to serve, bless, and be blessed in this home. I ask for continued prayers for both Kim and myself. Healing, grace, kindness. Really, anything Holy Spirit leads you to pray. 

God is good!

~ Megan

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moving Off Base!

YWAM Honolulu Base Life

As I had mentioned in January's post, we have begun rebuilding projects on the Honolulu base! We have been truly blessed by people who have volunteered time, skills, and finances to help us move along in this project. Our office building is on its way to being a much safer building to work in! Yay!

We graduated those 40 students from the September quarter DTS, in mid-February, and will welcome some of them back to do the 9-month CSBS (Chronological School of Biblical Studies) in July! We also are well underway with our January quarter DTS and KDTS (Korean DTS) as they are diving deeper into their personal relationships with the Lord through lectures, worship, prayer, and reaching out to our local Oahu community. It is so fun having them on base! 

Provision From The Lord & Personal Life

I was able to join my YWAM friends in Langley, BC, Canada last week to stand up with two wonderful friends of mine as they said "I do" to one another! The Lord released me to plan for this trip last year, and I am so glad He did! Not only was it a blessing and honor to be in their wedding, but I was able to see other YWAM friends I hadn't seen in years, and able to make my way to Seattle for a family and friends visit! 

So, here I am in Seattle! I arrived Sunday late morning, only to begin feeling ill Sunday afternoon! Yesterday (Wednesday) I finally started feeling better. God's plans are often much different than ours. I had planned to visit with friends on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then to visit family in eastern WA from Thursday to Saturday. I cancelled those plans, partially due to health, and largely due to God's calling to REST and be with Him. And, what a wonderful time I have had! Fresh strength and renewed vision for a big upcoming change! 

Speaking of Change!

When I arrive back in Honolulu next week, I will begin packing up my room and will move off base on Friday, March 8th. One our YWAM Honolulu's elders, and dear friend of mine, has been battling cancer for the last few years. The cancer was found to have metastasized into her bones this past summer. She has been pursuing treatments and is still of great faith that God can heal her, as am I! 

However, the present reality of her physical health is that she needs help. Her husband passed away four years ago after his long battle with cancer. And, her sisters and brother live on the mainland. They have been so supportive, traveling to spend weeks at a time with her. But, her need for someone longer term has increased. The Lord put it on my heart in December to move in with her and help take care of her present needs. Through tons of prayer and wonderful counsel, I have made the decision to make the  move! 

What I am learning from this situation is ongoing. He continues to remind me that I need to rely on people. I cannot do this alone. I need a support system around me as I begin to take on the responsibility of caring for my friend. That is where you all come in! As you feel led, I would ask for you to please partner with me in prayer. Prayer for my friend's healing, and prayer that I will have wisdom (both from outside counsel & divine moment-by-moment wisdom) to know what God has called me to pick up and what He has not. 

My job as Personnel Director will remain the same. I will now be commuting to the base for meetings. However, I am very aware that this move will greatly affect my life. 

There is so much more I could say. So much more the Lord is teaching me, even as I enter into this. So, if you would like to know more, please feel free to ask! As I head into this new season, I am full of faith and hope for God's healing in my friend's life, as well as continued healing in mine.

~ Megan

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Fresh Year!

 Fresh Year 

Oahu Sunrise

A new year! As I walked around the Manoa Valley neighborhood on New Year's Day, I was reminded that His mercies are truly new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). While I am grateful for the beginning of a fresh year, the newness, excitement, and expectation it brings, I am also so glad that I only have to wait 24 hours for fresh mercy! (And, I'd say our good God is probably willing to supply that new mercy just about any time of the day). :) Just a little food for thought...and our souls. 
YWAM Honolulu Base Life

YWAM Honolulu commissioned out four teams of 8 staff and 40 students to southeast Asia at the end of December. We also were able to celebrate with 12 incredibly relieved School of Biblical Studies (SBS) students as they graduated from their nine months of intensive Bible study. A few of them are now off in Asia - as well as one who stayed in Hawaii - teaching others how to inductively study the Bible! 

After a couple weeks of vacation (time of which I spent with my Dad; our first Hawaiian Christmas!), YWAM Honolulu picked back up on December 31st, ready to prepare our base for the new group of students we will be receiving this coming week! We are currently expecting 26 English DTS students, as well as 12 Korean DTS students! Our base is also preparing to undergo some major construction. We will be repairing our main office building, which includes two attached family houses. During this season we will be blessed with the hard-working hands volunteering to help us complete this project in a timely and cost-effective manner. If you, or someone you know, may be desirous to volunteer their professional contracting, plumbing, electrical, etc skills and time (a couple weeks) in the upcoming months, please contact me! :)

Provision from the Lord & Personal Life

During the last weekend of December, 2012, I was blessed with a friend's apartment as she and her husband were visiting family on the mainland. Peace and quiet gave me the opportunity to reflect on the past year, God's faithfulness, and fresh expectations for 2013. 

In 2011, I had spent Christmas and New Year's in Taiwan with my amazing outreach team. On New Year's Eve, I had treated myself to Starbucks and began journaling the incredible things God had taught me in 2011. After praising Him for these marvelous works, I then began dreaming big dreams for 2012. Here are the specific requests I wrote down that I have seen the Lord fulfill!!

Snappin' a pic of the view from my Taiwan Starbucks!
     - "I want to grow in my gifting of intercession"
           And, I have ! God has given me more of a desire to intercede, for friends, family, and others. He has
           put people in my life who are gifted and experienced in the area of intercession. People who see this
           similar gifting in me, and have been able to help encourage and challenge this in me.
    - "I want past friends to receive Your love this summer at my high school reunion."
           I was able to go to my reunion! Something I had never quite expected to want to do. It was so 
           wonderful to be able to catch up with old friends. To hear what is happening in their lives. To listen.
           Though I wish I had been able to spend more time, I believe the Lord used this. God, I ask that You
           would continue to pour out Your love on them!
    - "Free healthcare!"
           YES! I applied, and was accepted, to receive state healthcare! Thank you Jesus! This came in very 
            handy in late summer when I was able to go in for a physical. My doctor found a lump in my right 
            breast. Because of my great healthcare, I was able to get a mammogram and ultrasound, both 
            with clear results! The lump was suddenly gone (with much prayer!) and I am healthy! Praise Jesus!
    - "I want to be a Hawaiian resident!"
           Check! Earlier in 2012, I made my way to the DOL and got myself an official Hawaii state driver's 
           license! God has called me to this beautiful state, and I am excited for all the plans He has in store!
    - "$500/month in support (monthly supporters)"
           Through prayerful trust, in September, I saw this goal met! It was a goal I felt the Lord impress 
           on my heart to pray for. Though it is not always met by monthly support, somehow this provision
           continues to come in. I always have what I need, and when I need it. I have had regular supports, 
           who I am SO grateful for, many of which have little themselves. I am humbled by their support. 
           Additionally, I have seen one-time gifts that have blessed my heart exceedingly! So, THANK YOU to 
           all of you who have given when you were able and felt led! I am grateful! :)

And probably the most miraculous answered prayer/desire of the year:
My journal entry - Dec. 31st, 2011

This is what I asked for. And, God has PROVIDED! His provision may not always come in the way we expect or hope. I never dreamed 2012 would be the year I would say goodbye to my beautiful grandmother. But, I was able to say goodbye as she was welcomed into the Father's embrace. Though I did not have the privilege of watching her follow Jesus during my years of knowing her, I have great assurance from the Lord that, in her last days, she received Him. As I reflected on my hopes for 2012, I could only be astonished at the thought that the Lord had answered one of my deepest desires, and in the most perfect way; that my Grandma would have eternity with her Creator,Jesus Christ. 

As we all look forward into 2013, I urge us to listen carefully to His voice, and be expectant and prayerful for those things He puts on our hearts! He is a good, good God! If my bank account were to drop, my supporters were unable to give, my car was no more, I would still look to the God of my salvation with awe and complete trust. He is worthy! He has already paid the greatest price imaginable, that I should have LIFE with Him; abundant and eternal. I am utterly dependent on His presence, and ever grateful for the extra gifts He pours out. I receive these gifts and pray He continues to help me steward them well!

Blessings upon you and your families & friends in 2013...and today

Lots of love,