After arriving back to Honolulu from outreach in June, I helped prepare students for their returns home, began working on base in the yard maintenancew, and preparing for the a school in Kona called Circuit Riders. It was an opportunity that came up mid-spring, and the Lord spoke clearly for me to GO! Because it is the first Circuit Riders school that has been run, most people have remained fairly unsure as to what it would look like. Because of this, I wasn't quite sure how to describe it to all of you. After arriving last Thursday and beginning classes on Monday, I now can offer a clearer picture.
We are getting our fires for the Lord stoked! During lectures, I find myself sitting in one of about 300 chairs of young people (anywhere from 17-63 years of age) completely and passionately in love with their Creator and desiring that ALL people in every nation of the world realize just how much this same God desperately loves them! I am surrounded by people who are not just believing Jesus died for them...but are LIVING their lives abundantly for the Lord because they know He died for FREEDOM!!!! We have the option of complete, full, freedom-filled life in Him.
So, for the next 5 weeks (until August 13th) I will be throwing myself into all God is offering me in this season. We have about 3 hours of lecture M-F. Tons of worship times, prayer times, and personal application in smaller groups. On Thursdays I get to be a part of a smaller group that will be going door-to-door to visit local homes, asking how we can serve them and pray for them. I am so excited!
It is a season of refreshing! This school is a reminder and a calling to come back to the simplicity of our first love in Jesus. It is the simplicity of the Gospel. It is based on (and comes with the spiritual inheritance, I pray) of the original Circuit Riders, beginning with John Wesley's commissioning of Francis Asbury to America. To learn more, go to This was a group of radical men who had a passion to see the most remote homes in America learn of the good news of Jesus Christ. By the time he died, Francis Asbury had ridden 270,000 miles on horseback. He rode in the harshest of weather, ridden with disease, sometimes tied to his horse so he would not fall off. This was a man who believed Jesus to be who He said He was, and lived his life as such!
If you would like more information, please let me know. Give me a call! :) Let's chat.
God is sooooo good! I'm learning so much and getting more and more stoked to grab onto all God has for me and for all of us. Love you all!
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