Taiwan! So beautiful....just thought I'd post a pic from the last outreach. |
YWAM Honolulu Base Life
The April quarter came and went. And, here I am, already four weeks into the July quarter! I am still enjoying my job! After a quarter of training, I am now operating as YWAM Honolulu's Personnel Director. I am still learning to be confident in prayerful choices, as they ultimately affect others' lives. It helps to keep a fresh fear of the Lord and desire to hear His voice everyday.
I also began stepping out more in the area of my personal giftings...one being worship! I have been attempting to grow in playing the guitar, and have had the opportunity to lead worship during a few of our corporate gatherings on base these last few months. It is a stretch for me to continue stepping out, especially as I make mistakes. But, I know that this is a passion He has created me with...and I want to use it to glorify Him and bring encouragement to others.
One area of service to our base community that I didn't foresee was heading up the Kids' Club this quarter, which is our ministry for base & community kids during our weekly community gathering, called Launch. I, along with a few other staff, have been caring for the kids, playing with them, and helping to instill fresh views of our wonderful God. One of the highlights came as we talked about how God is love (1 John 4:8), and that we are also called to love others. We prayed with the kids, asking God to bring to each of our minds a person to love for the week. With that person in mind, they each asked Him how to love that person. And, they heard His voice! Some of them said that God was asking them to hug someone. One girl ended up helping in the kitchen over the weekend, scrubbing tables and keeping the staff company. Another said God was asking her to forgive her friend for a wrong done to her. AMAZING! I am so blessed to be around these kids. Their honesty, purity, and genuine love is both convicting and challenging. It is my goal this quarter to love these kids, bless & serve them, and glean as much of their childlike faith as possible!
Provision from the Lord
While I continue to hope & pray for greater regular financial support, I am so grateful for all that the Lord is providing! I have all I need. And, I am blessed to live in a community that values their staff and continues to keep missionary living expenses low and doable. :)
I am continually grateful and honored every time I receive support! Whether financial or prayerful encouragement...know that I am BLESSED!
Additionally, God provided in other creative ways this past month. My pastors here on the island were visiting the mainland for nearly 3 weeks and let me borrow their Mini Cooper! Another family visiting the mainland, let my friend and I housesit. To have quiet and an incredible view for a week, while experiencing the life of a commuter again, was such a gift!
Personal Life
I continue to be stretched as I am stepping into this new life with God in Hawaii. I know that this is my long-term home, and I look to Him to show me how to adapt and grow in this new environment. I have an incredible support system - emotionally and physically - here in Hawaii. While I am grateful, I am having to learn to be content with the ever-changing friendships that remain in Washington. This is not easy for me, and so I look to the Lord for encouragement to continue.
I am excited for all He is doing. It is a time of continued vulnerability with others, learning to give, not just in time or resources, but with my whole heart. I am learning to be myself, and needing the Lord to show me just who that is. I have noticed that the more I draw close to Him, experiencing His character and hearing His words, the more content I become in the adventure of life with Him. Knowing that I am who He says I am. That I am beautiful. That I am loved. That I am never alone. This is my God, and these are the words I hear from Him most often. What a good, good God we have.
I leave you with the words that have been bringing me such encouragement lately:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make straight your paths.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
Lots of love,
Amen and God bless!