Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's a new day...

The last couple of weeks have been incredible. Our lectures have focused on Intimacy & Intercession, and then this last week on the Holy Spirit. Amazing!

If there was one thing I could point out as having been a major focus the past few weeks, it is that God's highest calling for us as His children is to know/receive His love for us! Secondly, to love all of those around us. It is not always easy. Loving those that hate us, slander us, abuse us. He helps us to know and learn physical and emotional boundaries with these people. However, we are still called to love them. I don't pretend to know exactly what this looks like every time. I think that every time and with each person, how we are asked to love them looks different. This way, we are forced to rely on the Lord's love! It all comes back to His greatest commandment for us. "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself'" (Luke 10:27).

Like I said, it has been an incredible week! I'm moved by the Lord's love for me. I'm receiving it in new ways, and learning to love Him back. And, I'm learning more and more to love others out of the love I receive from Him.

Things with our team are great. :) Liz (my co-leader) and I absolutely love them all. We are growing more into a family every week. God is giving me His heart for them, and it's so fun! We are getting mentally, spiritually and physically prepared for outreach. We leave at the end of this month! I can't believe it's already less than 4 weeks away. We've been blessed to meet with our Philippines contact (who was living on the YWAM base for a couple of months at the beginning of this year). And, we met with one of the staff who went on outreach to Indonesia a couple of years ago. She was able to give us a great idea of the ministry we will be doing in villages. It will be quite different from what we are all used to. No electricity. Bathing, cleaning dishes, and washing clothes usually in the same water. YES! I'm so looking forward to getting back to the basics/necessities of life. I'm looking forward to how it will free up time to spend with people and in relationship.

Prayer needs:

- That our visas for Indonesia would go through quickly and smoothly.
- That we would continue to grow closer to each other, as a family, in unity.
- That Liz and I would continue to grow closer and closer, in unity with what God is doing in our team and as we move into outreach mode.
- That our hearts would grow greater for both Indonesia and the Philippines. So, that when we arrive, we are ready to jump in and love all those around us. :)
- That all of our/my money would come in. I think I am needing around $2,000 for plane tickets. If you feel led to give financially, I would love for you to partner with me in all God is doing and will do on this outreach! Directions for giving financially are on the home page of my blog. Please let me know if you have any questions. :)

Lots of love!

Thank you so much for listening & caring!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are having a wonderful experience! Miss you!
    You are in my prayers.
