Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Week of Healing!

I'm going to start with the highlights of the week! This week, our lectures were focused on the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday afternoon, after lecture, I was walking out of the kitchen with my plate of food and getting ready to eat my delicious lunch. All of a sudden, there was a sudden shooting pain in my left knee. I do NOT have knee problems and it came out of nowhere. There have been times in the past when God has brought a sudden pain in my body. This is one of the ways that He sometimes shows me that there is someone near me (in proximity) that needs healing in that part of their body. There were about 4 picnic tables full of people eating. So I loudly asked all of them, "is there anyone who has pain in their left knee?" Two people immediately raised their hands. So, I went over to both of them. The first one I prayed for was a 13-year-old young man on our base whose mom is on staff here. Apparently he had a knee injury a little while back, and is in fairly constant pain. He later told me that his knee was wrapped up when I prayed for it. (I couldn't see, since he was sitting at the picnic table). So, I laid my hands on him (they do that in the Bible) and I prayed for the Holy Spirit to bring healing and commanded healing over his body. I asked him how he was feeling, and he said it was fine! I asked him if he had pain before I prayed...yes. I asked him if he had any pain! That was 3 days ago, and when I checked in again with him last night, still 100% healed! I also prayed for the other person about 20 minutes later when I realized she needed prayer, too. (Note to self: always pray for everyone who says they have pain and want healing in a situation like this.) I prayed. Not sure if she is healed, but my knee pain went away entirely, letting me know that what needed to be prayed for was good! :) Yay God!

That's not all! Tonight, a couple of my friends and I decided to head to Barnes and Noble to relax, grab a cup of decaf., and read a book. (Some of you may have already read my Facebook status, but this story includes more!!!) I sit down at a table, getting ready to read my students' journals from this week. Suddenly, my attention was grabbed by a conversation happening next to me. A man, probably in his mid-40's, was talking with a couple other women around the same age, telling them about a pain he had been having in his right arm all day. Immediately, I felt the Lord stir up faith for healing. They were preparing to leave, so I quickly interrupted their conversation, saying that I overheard that he was having pain, I'm a Christian and believe Jesus heals, and could I pray for you? The woman next to him, said yes for him. (Haha). He stuck out his arm to me, saying sure. So, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to come and bring healing from the root of the problem. (Sometimes when I pray for healing, the Holy Spirit shows that He is doing something by making my hands heat up...this started happening). So, I took my hands off and asked him how he was feeling. He moved his arm around briefly and said that it felt a little better. (Not the answer I was looking for, but I KNEW God had healed). So, I looked at him, smiled, and said, "ya?" He moves it again, barely looks at me, shockingly says, "ya...that's creepy." I could tell by his reaction that all of the pain was now completely gone! As he quickly walked away toward his friends, I told him that Jesus heals and God loves him!

But, that's not all!!!! So, then, about an hour and a half passes as I'm reading my girls' journals and began reading one of my books. All of a sudden, I feel the Lord telling me to go to the Christian book aisle of the store. (I didn't hear an audible voice, just a small thought in my mind...that's how I hear Him a lot). So, I put my book down and walked to that aisle, thinking maybe someone would be there. No one really was, so I picked up a book and started reading. About 3-4 minutes later, a young man (probably early-20's) walks into the aisle and asks me if I was the one that prayed for that guy earlier. I said yes, smiling. :) (God...what are you doing? Hehe). He said, that he didn't know much about miracles or if that guy received a miracle, but that while I was praying he had felt something he'd never felt before. I smiled widely and said that it was the Holy Spirit he was feeling. That God is super real and loves to heal people! I asked if he was a Christian, and he said yes. We talked about the Holy Spirit for a little bit, and then I asked if I could pray for him have the Holy Spirit come fill him up in a new way. He said, I did! And, the Holy Spirit filled him! I asked what he was feeling, and he said he was feeling joy, calm and peace. I said...ya, that's the Holy Spirit. Then, I prayed, asking God if there was anything He wanted to say to encourage this young man. I was able to share with him a couple things. Specifically, I felt the Lord highlight a part of the Bible where it talks about armor that God gives us as believers to battle with the spiritual realm (demons, etc.). The two pieces of armor that God highlighted specifically were the sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God) and the shield of faith. I told him this, and he smiled as it resonated with him. He told me he had just been reading that particular passage. Ephesians 6:10-18. Amazing!!

Lessen of the week: God is real, Jesus reigns over death/sickness, and the Holy Spirit heals!!! My life is awesome!! I love working for God! Also, this week, God was reminding me that my calling, gifts, and skills from Him are always meant to be a BLESSING, not a burden. :)

There is so much more that God has done this week, but I know this blog is already quite long. Praying that this encourages all of you!

Much love!

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